Wednesday, March 12, 2008


This past week, I spent the most amazing week ever photographing some of the most interesting/fascinating/fun/creative seniors in the Clear Lake area. All 32 of them. I really got to know each of them on their own level--each with their own story/history/goals/etc. Honestly, getting to know each of them has been the highlight of my year as far as photography has gone.

All we had to work with was a SUPER old auditorium, but I think we got some really kick ass shots in the super short amount of time we had with each kid (a mere 30 minutes!) Here is a few favs from each session (I tried to get one from each Senior's session...some have 2 b/c I just couldn't decide!)

Valorie + Jordan

This is the sweetest couple! They are so much fun too--very fun spirited, full of life. I really had a blast with them! I can't wait for their wedding in October!